Research projects

“Research is creating new knowledge"
- Neil Armstrong

Brain and Communication

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in the treatment of aphasia

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is an innovative treatment technique for adults with an acquired brain injury. tDCS enhances the activation of neurons and lowers the amount necessary to respond to stimuli. This occurs by inducing a weak DC between two electrodes. Despite the potential of this treatment technique, unclarity exists about the optimal location, duration and intensity to provide the stimulation. It is difficult to evaluate the impact of the tDCS parameters due to the heterogeneity within the group of adults with acquired brain injury. We aim to bring clarity by including healthy adults.

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Miscommunication in people with aphasia (PMA) leads to an increased risk on receiving inappropriate or inadequate care. International research shows that training enhances the communication between care professionals, PMA and relatives/carers. This multidisciplinary research project is conducted in Belgium and The Netherlands. After finalising the research project, the protocol-based and evidence-based intervention CommuniCare will be made available, based on an scheme with advise for adaptive strategies for successful implementation in the care of CVA.

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